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Faucet Sprays Everywhere: Kitchen and tub tap Problems

Faucet Spray

Do you ever wish that you had a quick and easy solution to keep your faucets like new without lifting a finger? Water pressure affects the quality of your shower experience. Hence making faucets dull or lively.

Every homeowner should inspect their main faucet at least once a year to determine the condition. This article has easy ways to fix this problem. Give it a read for more insights. 

Why Faucet Do Sprays Everywhere?

Have you ever noticed that faucets spray water everywhere and make a mess of your countertops? Here are the reasons:  

1. Defective Spray Nozzle 

There are many reasons why faucet sprays everywhere. There are several different faucets, and each type has another purpose. 

A spray nozzle is designed to focus the water into a stream, but if the water pressure is indicating low, it might not be able to do so.

To fix this problem, you will need to adjust your shower to spray in a straight line instead of spraying all over the place.

2. High Pressure

Faucet sprays everywhere can happen due to having too much water pressure. If you have a high-pressure showerhead, you will have more pressure than normal.

This can cause the water to spray in all directions instead of focusing on one area. 

To fix this problem, you should try turning off the tap for a while and letting the water drain out completely before turning the tap back on again.

This way, you will be able to focus on only one area at a time instead of spraying all over the place.

3. Faulty Air heater or Air Conditioner

Faulty Air heater

Another reason faucet sprays everywhere can happen is if you have an air conditioner or heater in your bathroom that is not working properly.

If no air conditioner or heater is running in your home, then you may not have enough pressure behind them to generate a proper spray. 

When you turn on this tap, the water starts at your home’s full-house pressure.

But as soon as it gets to the faucet, it goes through a maze of holes and valves inside the faucet head.

By the time it accesses your mouth, the pressure is much weaker, and there aren’t enough molecules to produce a real spray.

Cause of Outdoor Faucet Spraying Everywhere when Turned Off or on

1. Worn-Out Valve 

You may have noticed that your outdoor faucet is spraying everywhere when you turn it off or on. This is most likely due to the valve seat getting worn out, which will cause water to escape around the edge of the valve seat.

 Outdoor Faucet

A new washer won’t fix this; the valve seat needs to get replaced.

Water will leak out whenever the valve is not fully open, which will be any time you turn it off or on or if there is some sort of pressure change in the water supply.

If you notice this problem during watering, check the supply line for kinks and make sure it flows freely.

2. Worn-Out Rubber

This symptom happens due to a worn-out rubber washer inside the faucet handle. Frost-free valves prevent water from freezing during cold weather, so a lot of water can leak through before you can get the problem fixed. 

When you turn off a frost-free valve with a worn washer, the friction of the worn washer against the valve seat quickly wears the valve seat smooth so that no water leaks when you turn it on.

3. Bad Faucet Washer 

The problem could also come from a bad faucet washer that is no longer providing a tight seal that needs replacement.

parts of Faucet

If you cannot find the problem with either of these, it is possible that the washers on all of your faucets and showerheads need to get replaced due to mineral buildup or age. 

However, if a pressure regulator exists and one or two faucets are causing problems, it is possible for you to fix this without having to replace all of your washers.

4. Faulty Vacuum Breaker

If your outdoor faucet is spraying everywhere when you turn it off or on, the problem may be a faulty vacuum breaker.

Vacuum breakers are small devices attached to the faucet handle and help prevent your water from siphoning back into the main water supply. 

In certain cases, mineral deposits can build up in your vacuum breaker, leading to reduced water flow and spraying. Try cleaning out your vacuum breaker with a toothbrush and distilled vinegar to troubleshoot this issue.

If this does not function, you may need to replace the entire device.

5. Frozen Pipe in Cold Weather

When water is turned on or off, spraying from the faucet is usually caused by a frozen pipe in cold weather.

The key reason for this is that there is no room left inside the pipe for the expanding water to go, and it must escape somewhere else. 

If you have a hose connected to the faucet and equipped with an anti-siphon valve, disconnect the hose. If this solves the problem, the anti-siphon valve has failed and should remain replaced.

However, If you don’t have an anti-siphon valve but still have a hose connected, try disconnecting it if there are no other causes.

How to Fix and Stop Faucet from Spraying

Many faucets or sprayers can spray water all over the place, and it can damage furniture. Here are some effortless ways to fix this problem:  

  • First, put a towel under the faucet when you are not using it to prevent spraying. If that does not work, try these tips:
  • Make sure the faucet is securely mounted to the sink or cabinet. It will probably be loose at the bottom, where it connects to the sink or cabinet. Tighten this nut with a wrench if you hear any rattling sounds coming from it.
  • Have someone tighten your faucet up, so it does not spray out of the spout.
  • Use a towel on your hand to cover the spout when you are not using it.